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This feature works on increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic, as well as exposure to your brand through non paid search engine such as google

To help maximize your website to maximize organic traffic from search engines. Make sure to fill up the following:

General #

  1. Log in to the dashboard
  2. Click on the post or page admin
  3. Scroll down to Page SEO Setting
  4. Fill up the Meta Title field following the guide “Characters Used” . If the line is still red, make sure the meta title is long enough to satisfy the guideline
  5. Fill up the Meta Description and follow the guide “Caracter Used”. If the line is still red, make sure the meta title is long enough to satisfy the guideline

Social #

  1. Click on the “Social” tab
  2. Fill up the “Open Graph Title” field
  3. Fill up the “Graph Description” field
  4. Fill up the “Twitter Title” field
  5. Fill up the “Twitter Description” field
  6. Select Image “Social Image URL”

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