Setup Features

Table of Contents

Tags #

Tags are basically keywords for each page/article you create. Tags are intended to be words or very short two or three-word phrases. Adding tags that accurately represent a post or page will increase the chance that it will get its due traffic. To add a new tag, follow this simple instruction:

  1. Enter your name,
  2. Enter your slug.

To show the description field, it must be supported by the theme you have active.

The final thing (if your theme supports WordPress tag) should be looking like this:

tag view - WordPress Event Calendar

Categories #

Categories are meant for general grouping of your events just like posts. It is used to sort and group content into different sections. Think of them as general topics or the table of contents for your site. Categories are there to help identify what your event is really about; it is to assist readers finding the right type of content in your events. Categories can be hierarchical.

  1. Enter your name,
  2. Enter your slug.

Output of category should look like this:

Category - WordPress Event Calendar

Label #

Label is like a badge and is set to your event when you want to inform your participants of any news on the event (e.g. event is canceled). Also, you can add a description to your label edit page and it will be displayed in the MEC single sidebar.

  1. Here, you need to enter the name of your label. It can later help you filter out events from your calendar page view, and also this name will be displayed in your MEC single sidebar as well.
  2. The slug is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  3. Here, you can add any description for your label. This information will be displayed under your label in MEC single sidebar.
  4. You can change the color of the bullet for the label. Your labels can all have different colors based on their titles and styles (e.g. canceled can be red).
  5. You can change the style of the label which has three options in the drop-down box:
    a. Canceled
    b. Normal
    c. Featured
  6. Finally, the apply button with which you can create and save your label.
Label - WordPress Event Calendar

Label with Featured Style in calendar page view.

Label - WordPress Event Calendar

Label with Canceled Style in calendar page view.

Label with purple Color in Single Event Page.

Label - WordPress Event Calendar

Location #

Location section is very simple and easy to use. Here we will explain how to add a location and use it multiple times for different events. This section also includes an important field (Address) for those who want to set up Google Maps API into their event. Of course, if you want to setup an event quickly, you have several options for configuring the location section of each event.

  1. Enter location name,
  2. Enter slug for location,
  3. Google key, which should be configured in settings, will be using this address to show the map on the front end.

After adding the location in “location menu” you can assign it to your desired event post, also you can insert a new location in event post type manually. Just click on a drop-down and select insert New Location, like the following example:

Add Location - WordPress Event Calendar

Front-end view for an inserted location looks like this:

Location - WordPress Event Calendar

Address field will be an exported map.

MAP - WordPress Event Calendar

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