Image Gallery

Image Gallery Widget #

The Image Gallery Widget allows you to easily add and style beautiful image galleries on your page.

Content #

Image Gallery #

  1. Click Add Image button to select images to display. Once selected, click Create a New Gallery button and then click the Insert Gallery button.
  2. Image Size: Choose the size of the image, from thumbnail to full
  3. Columns: Set the number of columns to display, from 1 to 10
  4. Link to: Link images to their respective Media Files, Attachment Pages, or None (Media File must be selected if Lightbox is enabled)
  5. Lightbox: Choose to display images in a lightbox. If Yes or No is chosen, that selection will override the Global Default Lightbox setting. Images will only appear in lightbox if Media File is selected as the Link to: option.
  6. Ordering: Choose Default or Random ordering of images within the gallery

Style #

Images #

  1. Spacing: Set the spacing between slides. Choose Default (20px) or Custom (The Spacing option is only available if more than 1 is chosen for Slides to Show on Content tab)
  2. Border Type: Set the type of border, choosing from None, Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, or Groove
  3. Border Radius: Set the border radius, to control corner roundness

Caption #

  1. Display: Hide or Show Captions (If captions are shown, the following additional options are available)
  2. Alignment: Align caption left, right, center, or justified
  3. Text Color: Select the color of the caption text
  4. Typography: Set the typography settings of the caption text

Advanced #

Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget

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