
Set up a contact form on your website to allow your site’s visitors a simple way to get in touch with you.

Here are the options available for this widget:

Content #

Form Fields #

Form Name – Name the form.

Form Fields – A list of the fields in your form. You can duplicate, add or delete fields as you please. You can drag and drop to change their order.

Click on a field to view its settings.

  1. Type – Choose the type of field you want
  2. Label – The name of the field, displayed on the form and on the email you receive from the user.
  3. Placeholder – The frontend display name of the field.
  4. Required – Switch it on to set the field as a Required field.
  5. Column Width – Lets you set the width of the field. If you want a form with two fields in one row – set each field to 50%.

Types of Fields #

  1. Text – A simple text field. i.e. Name
  2. Email – An email type. Includes validation for email
  3. Text Area – A textarea type. You can set the number of rows
  4. URL – A website URL field
  5. Tel – A telephone number type
  6. Radio –  A radio type. Single choice. You can slide the Inline List for a horizontal style.
  7. Select – A select type. Dropdown list of options. Can set to multiple selection.
  8. Checkbox – A checkbox type. Check one or more options. You can slide the Inline List for a horizontal style.
  9. Acceptance – Add a terms checkbox for the user to accept
  10. Number – A number type
  11. Date – Add a date picker field
  12. Time – Add a time picker field
  13. File Upload – Allow your users to upload files
  14. Password – Add a password field
  15. HTML – Add an HTML field
  16. Hidden – Add a hidden field. Hidden to the user, but visible to the Admin
  17. reCAPTCHA – Add a reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA verifies the user is not a robot
  18. Honeypot – Adds a Honeypot to your form
  1. Input Size – Set the height of the fields. 
  2. Label – Show or hide the labels on the form.

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