General Settings

General Settings Overview #

SVG Icons #

Starting in GeneratePress 2.3, you can now choose to replace the standard font icons used throughout the theme with SVG icons. This removes the requests for the font files and also makes the icons slightly sharper. For now, using the icon fonts will remain enabled by default.

Combine CSS #

By default, GeneratePress will now combine unsemantic-grid.css, style.css and mobile.css into one file. This results in fewer HTTP requests. Existing sites will turn this option off by default to prevent any potential conflicts. When combined, GeneratePress will use a slimmed down version of unsemantic-grid.css, which only includes the classes that are needed by the theme to function.

Cache Dynamic CSS #

Many of your Customizer options write CSS for you, and output it to your pages. Instead of generating this dynamic CSS on every page load, we cache it in the database and serve the cached CSS instead. As you can imagine, this is a big performance boost.

On first load, the CSS will be cached and added to the database. Any time you save the Customizer options, the cache will bust and get updated with your new CSS.

Smooth Scroll #

Smooth scroll can be turned on in Customize > General. Turning this option on will allow you to add the smooth-scroll class to your links, which will force them to smooth scroll to their anchor points.

This option is also integrated with the sticky navigation, so the top of your anchor point isn’t hidden.

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