Animated Headline

Animated Headline Widget #

The Animated Headline widget allows you to create attention grabbing headlines that either rotate or include highlighted animation.

Content #

Headline #

Style: Choose Highlighted or Rotating style

If Highlighted style is chosen, the following options become available:

  1. Shape: Choose the shape of the highlight, including Circle, Curly, Underline, Double, Double Underline, Underline Zigzag, Diagonal, Strikethrough, and X
  2. Before Text: Type the headline text that will appear before the highlighted text
  3. Highlighted Text: Type the text that will be highlighted
  4. After Text: Type the headline text that will appear after the highlighted text
  5. Alignment: Set the alignment of the headline, Left, Center, or Right
  6. HTML Tag: Set the heading’s HTML tag to H1- H6, Div, Span or Paragraph

If Rotating style is chosen, the following options become available:

  1. Animation: Choose the animation of the rotating text including Typing, Clip, Flip, Swirl, Blinds, Drop-in, Wave, Slide, and Slide Down
  2. Before Text: Type the headline text that will appear before the rotating text
  3. Rotating Text: Enter the list of rotating text, in the order of rotation
  4. After Text: Type the headline text that will appear after the rotating text
  5. Alignment: Set the alignment of the headline, Left, Center, or Right
  6. HTML Tag: Set the heading’s HTML tag to H1- H6, Div, Span or Paragraph

Style #

Shape (option only available if Highlighted type is chosen) #

  1. Color: Choose the color of the highlighted shape
  2. Width: Set the width of the highlighted shape
  3. Bring to Front: Slide to Yes to Bring the shape to the front
  4. Rounded Edges: Slide to Yes to round the edges of the shape

Headline #

  1. Text Color: Choose the color of the headline’s before and after text
  2. Typography: Set the typography options for the headline’s before and after text

Animated Text

  1. Text Color: Choose the color of the animated text
  2. Typography: Set the typography options for the headline’s animated text

Advanced #

Set the Advanced options that are applicable to this widget

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