
Typography Overview #

You can find the Typography options in Settings > Customize > Typography.

Once the Typography panel is open, you’ll see a list of sections for each element on your website.

Each section has options for that element.

Font family #

Choose your font family. You can choose between system fonts and Google fonts. You can find previews of the Google fonts on their website here.

Font variants #

Google fonts have variants, which include different types of the font (bold, super bold, light etc..). You can choose which variants you need to include. The less variants, the faster your website will be. More info on variants can be found here.

Font weight #

How thick your chosen font will be.

Text transform #

None – No change to your font

Capitalize – The first letter of every word will be a capital

Uppercase – All of your letters will be capitalized

Lowercase – All of your letters will be lowercase

Font size #

The size of your text. Some elements have an option for the mobile text size as well, which you can display using the mobile icon next to the refresh/reset icon.

Line height #

Some elements have a line height option, which controls how tall the line of text should be.

Video Overview #

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